Titel | Datum | Link |
Advanced monitoring techniques for a wide range of geotechnical applications |
2017 |
Damage identification using modal strains identified from operational fiber-optic Bragg grating data |
2018 |
De nieuwe San Giorgio-brug in Genua wordt gemonitord met optische vezel sensoren – infografiek |
2020 |
De opmars van composieten in de bouwsector |
2020 |
Distributed strain/temperature sensing: recente ervaringen |
2019 |
Monitoring m.b.v. optische vezel sensortechnologie (presentatie op webinar ‘Duurzaam beheer van betonstructuren’) |
2020 |
Monitoring of grout anchors with fiber-optic strain sensors (MSc Thesis) |
2021 |
Monitoring van betonconstructies: voordelen en uitdagingen |
2022 |
Monitoring van de krachtswerking in verticale beschoeiingswanden d.m.v. optische vezeltechnologie |
2015 |
One-year operational modal analysis of a steel bridge from high-resolution macrostrain monitoring: influence of temperature vs. retrofitting. (select from list to download) |
2021 |
Optical Fiber Strain Measurements and Numerical Modeling of Load Tests on Grouted Anchors |
2019 |
Optischevezelsensortechnologie als stimulans voor innovatie bij diepfunderingstechnieken |
2021 |
Recent advances in pile design, construction, monitoring and testing |
2019 |
Vibration-based damage detection in reinforced concrete beams with fiber optic strain sensors (MSc Thesis) |
2021 |
Vibration-based monitoring of an FRP footbridge with embedded fiber-Bragg gratings: influence of temperature vs. damage |
2022 |