
Deze pagina zal continu aangevuld worden met interessante literatuur omtrent optische vezel sensortechnologie. 

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Advanced monitoring techniques for a wide range of geotechnical applications 2017
Damage identification using modal strains identified from operational fiber-optic Bragg grating data 2018
De nieuwe San Giorgio-brug in Genua wordt gemonitord met optische vezel sensoren – infografiek 2020
De opmars van composieten in de bouwsector 2020
Distributed strain/temperature sensing: recente ervaringen 2019
Monitoring m.b.v. optische vezel sensortechnologie (presentatie op webinar ‘Duurzaam beheer van betonstructuren’) 2020
Monitoring of grout anchors with fiber-optic strain sensors (MSc Thesis) 2021
Monitoring van betonconstructies: voordelen en uitdagingen 2022
Monitoring van de krachtswerking in verticale beschoeiingswanden d.m.v. optische vezeltechnologie 2015
One-year operational modal analysis of a steel bridge from high-resolution macrostrain monitoring: influence of temperature vs. retrofitting. (select from list to download) 2021
Optical Fiber Strain Measurements and Numerical Modeling of Load Tests on Grouted Anchors 2019
Optischevezelsensortechnologie als stimulans voor innovatie bij diepfunderingstechnieken 2021
Recent advances in pile design, construction, monitoring and testing 2019
Vibration-based damage detection in reinforced concrete beams with fiber optic strain sensors (MSc Thesis) 2021
Vibration-based monitoring of an FRP footbridge with embedded fiber-Bragg gratings: influence of temperature vs. damage 2022